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How can I get involved with the team behind the charitable activities?

To get involved with CHCIMA projects, you will need to be a member of one of the Churches within the CHCIMA partnership.


I am not a member of any Church in partnership with CHCIMA, but I have a passion for volunteering and want to get involved?

Please send an email to, providing the following information:


  • Your full name.

  • Your age.

  • The name of the Church you attend.

  • The project(s) you would like to be involved in.

  • The reason you would like to get involved with the CHCIMA team and the project.


How can I become a partner of CHCIMA?

To become a partner of CHCIMA, you should select a monthly direct debit donation amount of your choice on the donation form.


How can I make a donation?

Head to the Projects page to view the different CHCIMA projects in action across the globe. Click on a country to find out more about the volunteering work going on in that location, then click the 'Donate Now' button and complete the donation form. You will have the option to make a single donation or set up a monthly direct debit.



Who is eligible for Discipleship and Pastoral training?

Everyone is welcome including ordained ministers such as Deacons/Deaconesses/Elders/Evangelists/Pastors/Bishops/Apostles.


How long does the training take?

The training can take up to one academic year (9 months).


What would the training involve?

The training will cover right from the history of the growth of early church to how to conduct services in 21st century. We will provide full breakdown of the topics when training begins.


What is the process for completing registration to join the training?

Please send an email to stating your country, preferred language and your position in your church and your interest in the discipleship training. A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.


Please be advised that we are likely to require the following items from you:

  • Proof of identity

  • Proof of home address

  • Email

  • Phone number


How long should I wait for a response from the CHCIMA team?

Please allow 7 working days.


What happens at the end of the training?

Upon successful completion of the training with an attendance of at least 80%, successful trainees will be issued with a certificate of completion. If they have chosen to be ordained as a minister of the Gospel, then they will be issued with an additional certificate of ordination by Christ Holy Chapel.


New Pastors who have successfully completed the training and had an attendance of at least 90%, will be issued with a certificate of completion, an ordination certificate and a licence to operate as a Pastor in their country if they wish.

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Learn about CHCIMA's mission.

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Find out about CHCIMA's latest events.

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Learn about CHCIMA's community projects across the globe.

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Want to be a part of CHCIMA and join us in our mission?

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